Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A day in the life of Brookelynn...

I got an IPhone a while ago and have been snapping random pictures of my girl. Here are a few from the last few weeks. They are random and not in any real order.
Brookelynn gets to play outside in the afternoons when the weather is nice. This was the first day that I showed up and she was a little sweaty girl! :) She was so cute and smelly! Rosie cheeks like her momma and smelt like a wet puppy! I know...only a mother can appreciate all of her smells.
With the warming weather Brookelynn and I have been going on a lot of walks to the creek. There is a small playground at the end of the creek that Brookelynn loves! Here are a few pictures of her sliding.

With her crazy hair...

The other night Brookelynn turned into a mummy! Bailey wrapped her in toilet paper and she thought it was SO funny!

Brookelynn and I met Bailey for lunch several Fridays ago and Brookelynn got her first ice cream cone!! She was so proud and couldn't really believe that it was all hers!

Brookelynn's quirks... She started crossing her pinky and ring finger when ever she was not using her hand. I just had to take a picture because she has been doing it a lot lately. I tried to do it myself but my fingers are not limber enough.

This picture is about a month old. We found these duck eggs under the slide the first time that we went to the playground. Brookelynn was very intrigued by them. She would slide down the slide then take a quick look at the eggs. She did this for a good two weeks until the eggs were gone.

Time with daddy... She loves to swing in her swing that Bailey made. Here she is with Bailey's cowboy hat on.

Bailey has been working on some shelves for our room. Brookelynn loves to spend time in the garage with Dad and help on his projects.

Brookelynn's first boo-boo! We were walking down to Caryn's several weeks ago and she tripped. My strong little girl didn't even cry! She was more worried about spilling her snack that she was carrying. The worst part of it all was the scab. It was so very tender.

The Griggs came over to play a few weeks ago. Brookelynn and Tate had such a great time playing together. They are sweet little buddies.

1 comment:

tlnew said...

so cute! You better keep this up when the new baby comes. When we had ice cream last week, she put the napkin under her chin-the picture explains why, ha ha-she's so smart!