Sunday, March 8, 2009

SIX Months

Brookelynn is six months old! I can believe how fast the time flies! She is growing so fast and learning new things everyday! It has been the most wonderful 6 months of our lives! Here are a few pictures from this past week. We are so glad that Brookelynn is feeling better after her ear infection and two rashes. She is now will notice her large amount of drool in all of these pictures.

Brookelynn's best friend, Brynn, came over to play on Wednesday. This is the first time that they actually got to play together. Brookelynn would fall over and Brynn would crawl right over here. It was really funny!
Brookelynn started sitting up this week by herself. She has been able to sit on soft surfaces for a couple of weeks, but this is the first week that she is really sturdy on the floor. She loves the new view she has on the world!

The girls playing...

Brookelynn stole Brynn's bow.
Bailey & Brookelynn taught John & Brynn their balancing act.

Brookelynn played really hard with Brynn and passed out as soon as they left. She loves when her daddy tickles her tummy.

Brookelynn sitting up again on Thursday.

Our new Sunday dress...It was a beautiful day today and Brookelynn got to wear her new spring dress from her Gigi. It has a sweater to go with it but it was too hot to wear. Bailey was out of town this morning so we met Jared, Rachel and Jaxson for church.

She loves to sit up and make faces!

Pretty blue eyes!!!

We went outside for a photo shoot but it was too bright to smile.


tlnew said...

So precious!! It was been six months of pure blessings, thank you Lord!! I can't believe she's sitting up and was just here last weekend. Love you, GiGi

Allyson, Cam, and Harper said...

So sweet! I really can't believe that she is 6 months old...and that Brynn is crawling! Oh my goodness. Are we going to get together while the boys go to the lake?

The New Family said...

Thanks for coming to church with us. We had so much fun! Happy 6 months! We love you guys!