Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Merry Merry Christmas!!!

We had a wonderul Christmas & New Years! We headed to Abilene and were able to stay for a couple of weeks! We had very special time with the Beals then the News and then some R&R time to ourselves at the ranch. Brookelynn definitely got a little more rotten while we were there. It was quite an eventful trip, definitely one we will never forget. We are so thankful for the time that we had with our extended families as well as our little family. This is a little re-cap of our 4-day Christmas celebration...
We started Christmas this year with the Beals on the 23rd. Brookelynn's presents began...She opened a red barn playhouse and loved it! I have never seen her so excited! It was so cute! She had so much fun hiding inside and playing peek-a-boo out the windows.

She loves that little barn!

On Christmas Eve, we woke up to a Winter Wonderland! We had a white Christmas after it was 70 degrees on the 23rd! It was beautiful and we couldn't believe how much it had snowed and it just kept coming!

There was snow everywhere!

Brookelynn tasting snow for the first time

Brookelynn and I went outside that afternoon to check out the snow. She loved it... loved to eat it more than anything!

Trecking through the snow in her new 'frog' boots

The boys got in the hot tub that afternoon with the snow all around

I made a small snowman that wasn't much to look at...but I wasn't sure how long the snow would hang around.

The girl picture in our cute Christmas PJs

On Christmas day, Bailey and I braved the cold and made a real snowman! It was so fun...and so much work! Don't ask why it has antlers. I think Bailey just really wanted to see something with horns! This one really made my little snowman look really sad...

Our family picture with the snowman
My parents and Jenn came out to the ranch on Christmas day to see all of the pretty snow and ride 4 wheelers for a bit. That night we headed into town to spend a few days with the News.

She loves to eat snow...

Jared, Rachel & Jaxson came to Abilene on the 26th and we had our 'Christmas morning'. Jaxson got a four wheeler for Christmas and Brookelynn thought it was so cool! She hopped on for a ride...

Brookelynn and Jaxson playing with their reindeer horns and new toys
Dec 28th was our 7th anniversary! I can't believe that it has already been 7 years. It has been the most wonderful 7 years of my life. I thank God everyday for my best friend & husband. I find myself loving him more and more everyday. Thank you Bailey for being the greatest friend, husband and father. I love you... We went to dinner that night then headed back to the ranch for a little R&R with Bailey and Brookelynn.

The next morning Brookelynn found her daddy's house shoes and figured out how to put them on her feet. She was very proud of herself!
Brookelynn bundled up to play outside in the cold christmas weather...
We headed back to our wonderful home on Jan 2nd and were very happy to be home!! What a wonderful holiday!

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