Thursday, May 21, 2009

An eventful month!

Time to play catch-up! Here are a lot of pictures over the last month! I can't believe it has been a month since the last post! So much has changed in just 30 days! Brookelynn is now army crawling...scooting on her belly. (She pulls her body with her arms) She also has 2 teeth! She got the first one on May 5th and the second on May 15th. She has definitely become a vocal baby! She sings and dances along with music. She says mamamamama...dadadada....adadadad.....nananana... She makes such sweet sounds most of the time but she has also learned how to yell. Not a mad, upset yell...just a 'wow, I can make a loud noise' yell. She brings a whole new meaning to 'outside voice'. We have been working on our porch for the last few weekends and as soon as she gets outside she starts yelling. Any other loud noises are just competition to her (saws, lawn mowers, radios) she tries to be the loudest. She is a funny girl!

She has quite a long reach and her favorite thing to reach for is napkins and paper. This is what she likes to do with it when she gets it.
She loves to spend time outside but doesn't really like to sit in the grass. It doesn't feel good on her legs. We sat her down the other day and she held her right leg up the whole time she was sitting there. She is very good at balancing on her bottom. She loves to balance on her bottom and hold her hands and legs up and twist her hands and feet in the same motion. It is quite a site!!
So my sweet sister was taking more pictures of Brookelynn when they were down for Mother's day weekend and Brookelynn was not offering the greatest pictures so...Our sweet pup, Nanuq, decided to get in the shot. What a lovely picture...

I love this picture of my sweet girl...she is not sure what is going on. It was probably the look on her face when someone actual put her down. She is pretty rotten when it comes to being held.

My best friend, Lindsey, got this shirt for Brookelynn...I thought we should get a crazy haired picture to go along with the outfit!
Well... I never really thought that Brookelynn would be a 'girly-girl' but my thoughts were confirmed on Tuesday. I was working on our new porch on Tuesday evening and Brookelynn was sitting beside me with some kid friendly toys. I turned my back for one minute and this is what I found...
My girl likes to play in the dirt!
...and to eat it too!

Brookelynn's first bath buddy!! Brynn, Jenn and John came over the same day and both girls had a little too much fun in the sand! We had so much fun watching the girls. It was really the first time they actually played together. Brynn was walking all around the coffee table so Brookelynn would scoot to be close to her. Brynn just thought of her as speed bump...she would try to step on Brookelynn's head or tummy to get over her! It was so funny!

Brookelynn loves her jumper these days...she sings along as she jumps. Today she was playing too hard and got her first boo-boo. I looked down at the floor and saw a lot of scared me! But she didn't seem to notice...just kept jump, jump, jumpin' away.

I know this is a gross picture...but we have to remember her first boo-boo. If she is anything like her mom that big toe will get stubbed a lot in the future!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

i love the bad hair day onesie on her!!! and the poor stumped toe? it's so sad when they get thier first boo-boo. avery's was a huge busted lip :( good thing they recover quickly. hope ya'll are doing well.